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“Roadie are amazing. I totally recommend them. They’re great to work with and super responsive and helpful.”
Black and white headshot of a womain with long straight hair.
Crystal Hirschorn
Director of Engineering

Frequently asked questions

Is Roadie SaaS or on-prem?
Roadie is SaaS only for the moment. Some Backstage plugins will need a connection back to your infrastructure. We offer a number of secure methods for enabling this.
Does Roadie support custom plugins?
Yes. Growth customers get a private plugin repository where Backstage plugins can be published. They can be manipulated and used just like ordinary open-source Backstage plugins.
Where is Roadie data stored?
All data is stored within the EU and is encrypted at rest using AES-256 encryption algorithm. AWS KMS is used to manage and protect the encryption keys. Data is backed up to AWS S3 at least once per day.
What level of support does Roadie provide?
Each Growth customer gets a shared Slack or Discord channel. We pride ourselves on our responsiveness. We also deeply value customer feedback and prioritize your requests in our roadmap.
Do you have a status page?

Our status page can be found at

How does Roadie count developers?
Any user who can access Roadie is a developer. We don't mind if random read-only users access the system from time to time and won't attempt to charge for these.
How can Roadie connect back to our infrastructure?

Roadie Backstage plugins can securely connect back to your infrastructure APIs via a variety of mechanisms like OAuth2, token authentication by using a broker service. Learn more about how Roadie connects to your tools .

What source control tools does Roadie support?
Roadie works best with GitHub Cloud. We have basic support for GitHub On-prem, Bitbucket and Azure DevOps. Request a demo to learn more.
Has Roadie gained a SOC2 compliance?

Yes. Roadie has achieved SOC2 Type 2 compliance. You can read more about this on our blog.