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Backstage Sentry Plugin

Correlate services with problems in production

Created by Spotify

Available on Roadie
A screenshot of the Sentry plugin. It is showing a list of errors.

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Installation steps

Install the plugin package in your Backstage app

yarn add @backstage/plugin-sentry

Configure your proxy to add credentials to requests to sentry.

// app-config.yaml
  allowedMethods: [ 'GET' ]
    Authorization: Bearer ${SENTRY_TOKEN}
  organization: 'your org'

Add the plugin components to your entity page

import { EntitySentryContent, EntitySentryCard } from '@backstage/plugin-sentry';
// Add to the overview grid
const overviewContent = (
  <Grid container spacing={3} alignItems="stretch">
     {/* ...other routes */}
     <Grid item md={6}>
       <EntitySentryCard />
// Add a Sentry Tab
const serviceEntityPage = (
    <EntityLayout.Route path="/sentry" title="Sentry">
      <EntitySentryContent />

Found a mistake? Update these instructions.

Things to know

The Backstage backend must have access to a SENTRY_TOKEN API key environment variable.

To get an API key, first create an internal application in the Sentry UI. Do this at the organization level, rather than the personal level.

Give your application a name and a Webhook URL, then be sure to give the ability to read issues and projects. These will be displayed in Backstage so it’s important that the plugin can access them.

Creating an internal application in the Sentry UI

Once you have an internal application, you can create a token. Run the Backstage backend with this token.

env SENTRY_TOKEN=123abc yarn start

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