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Backstage Lighthouse Plugin

Integrates Lighthouse inside Backstage.

Created by Spotify

Available on Roadie

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Installation steps

Before you start please make sure that you setup lighthouse-audit-service first.

Install the plugin into Backstage.

yarn add @backstage/plugin-lighthouse

Add the plugin API to your API builder

// packages/app/src/apis.ts
import {
} from '@backstage/plugin-lighthouse';

export const apis = (config: ConfigApi) => {
  builder.add(lighthouseApiRef, LighthouseRestApi.fromConfig(config));

Modify your app routes to include the LighthousePage component exported from the plugin.

// packages/app/src/App.tsx
import { LighthousePage } from '@backstage/plugin-lighthouse'; from '@backstage/plugin-lighthouse';

const routes = (
{/* ...other routes */}
<Route path="/lighthouse" element={<LighthousePage />} />

Configure lighthouse service url

// app-config.yaml
  baseUrl: [your-website-url]

Add annotation to your component-info.yaml file.

  annotations: [your-website-url]

Add plugin API to your Backstage instance.

// packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx
import { EntityLighthouseContent} from '@backstage/plugin-lighthouse';

const websiteEntityPage = (
    <EntityLayout.Route path="/lighthouse" title="Lighthouse">
      <EntityLighthouseContent />

Optionally you might add Lighthouse widget to the overview tab on the EntityPage

// packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx
import {
} from '@backstage/plugin-lighthouse';

const overviewContent = (
  <Grid container spacing={3} alignItems="stretch">
      <EntitySwitch.Case if={isLighthouseAvailable}>

Found a mistake? Update these instructions.

Things to know


This plugin is only a frontend layer for lighthouse-audit-service and won’t work without it.

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